Durable Power of Attorney for Healthcare Decisions - Kansas

Durable Power of Attorney for Healthcare Decisions - Kansas

Durable Power of Attorney for Healthcare Decisions in Kansas is a legal document that allows you to appoint someone to make medical decisions on your behalf if you are unable to do so. This person is typically referred to as your healthcare agent or proxy. They have the authority to make healthcare decisions, including treatment options and end-of-life choices, based on your previously expressed wishes or best interests.

In Kansas, the person who wants to appoint someone as their healthcare agent files the Durable Power of Attorney for Healthcare Decisions.


Q: What is a durable power of attorney for healthcare decisions?
A: A durable power of attorney for healthcare decisions is a legal document that allows you to appoint someone to make medical decisions on your behalf if you become unable to do so.

Q: Why is it called 'durable' power of attorney?
A: It is called 'durable' because the authority granted to the appointed person continues even if you become incapacitated.

Q: Who can create a durable power of attorney for healthcare decisions in Kansas?
A: Any competent adult who is at least 18 years old can create a durable power of attorney for healthcare decisions in Kansas.

Q: Who can be appointed as a healthcare agent in Kansas?
A: Anyone who is at least 18 years old and capable of making healthcare decisions can be appointed as a healthcare agent in Kansas.

Q: What decisions can a healthcare agent make on behalf of the patient?
A: A healthcare agent can make any medical treatment decisions that the patient would have made, including decisions about medication, surgery, and end-of-life care.

Q: Can a healthcare agent override the patient's wishes?
A: No, a healthcare agent is legally obligated to make decisions consistent with the patient's known wishes or best interests.

Q: What happens if a durable power of attorney for healthcare decisions is not in place?
A: If a durable power of attorney for healthcare decisions is not in place and you become incapacitated, medical decisions may be made by a court-appointed guardian or a default surrogate decision-maker.

Q: How can a durable power of attorney for healthcare decisions be created in Kansas?
A: A durable power of attorney for healthcare decisions can be created in Kansas by completing a specific form that is signed in the presence of two witnesses or a notary public.

Q: Can a durable power of attorney for healthcare decisions be revoked in Kansas?
A: Yes, a durable power of attorney for healthcare decisions can be revoked at any time as long as the individual is still competent to make healthcare decisions.


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