Form HSMV82053 Power of Attorney for a Motor Vehicle, Mobile Home, Vessel or Vessel With Trailer - Florida

Form HSMV82053 Power of Attorney for a Motor Vehicle, Mobile Home, Vessel or Vessel With Trailer - Florida

What Is Form HSMV 82053?

Form HSMV 82053, Power of Attorney for a Motor Vehicle, Mobile Home or Vessel , is a legal document used by an owner of one of the listed items to let another person handle various responsibilities on their behalf, for instance, applying for a certificate of title or selling property. This document outlines the manner in which the attorney-in-fact may sign documents and conduct business on the principal's behalf.

This form was released by the Florida Department of Highway Safety and Motor Vehicles, Division of Motorist Services . The latest version of the form was issued on June 16, 2022 , with all previous editions obsolete. You can download a fillable HSMV 82053 Form through the link below.

Use Form HSMV 82053 when an item is exempt from odometer disclosure requirements - it is 10 years old or older, it is not self-propelled, or has a gross vehicle weight rating of more than 16,000 pounds. In other cases, you are required to fill outForm HSMV 82995, Motor Vehicle Power of Attorney/Odometer Disclosure. This form may only be obtained from a vehicle dealership but a sample of the form may be found through the link provided above.


Form HSMV 82053 Instructions

Provide the following details in FL Form HSMV 82053:

  1. Write down the date of signing the form.
  2. State the full name of the individual appointed to be the attorney-in-fact. This individual will be able to apply for an original certificate of title or file papers for a duplicate title, register and transfer this title, and record liens to the vehicle, boat, or mobile home. When the form is completed, your attorney-in-fact will sign the documents on your behalf and do all things necessary as you could do if you personally present.
  3. Describe your item. Check the appropriate box - "motor vehicle," "mobile home," or "vessel." State its year, make or manufacturer, body type, and the title number. If you give a power of attorney for a vehicle or vessel, add its identification number.
  4. Confirm you have read the document and that the statements in the form are true. Sign the form and write down your full name. You are also required to state your driver's license number, identification card number, or Federal Employer Identification Number. Indicate your date of birth and actual address. The form also allows a second owner to provide the same details if the item is owned by two individuals.

Who Can Execute HSMV 82053?

You may authorize any individual to act on your behalf in a transaction that involves motor vehicles, watercraft, or mobile homes. An attorney-in-fact will perform any necessary actions with your property using Form HSMV 82053. This fiduciary does not have to practice law to be able to represent your interests regarding the vehicle, vessel, or mobile home described in the power of attorney - you are free to appoint anyone as your representative, even your family members, as long as the document is properly completed and signed. However, the chosen individual is required to keep a fiduciary duty - the best interest of the owner must be upheld.

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