Form HSMV-82050 Notice of Sale and / or Bill of Sale for a Motor Vehicle, Mobile Home, Off-Highway Vehicle or Vessel - Florida

Form HSMV-82050 Notice of Sale and / or Bill of Sale for a Motor Vehicle, Mobile Home, Off-Highway Vehicle or Vessel - Florida

What Is Form HSMV 82050?

Form HSMV 82050, Notice of Sale and/or Bill of Sale for a Motor Vehicle, Mobile Home, Off-Highway Vehicle or Vessel is a document you must fill out every time you sell or buy any vehicle, mobile home, or watercraft in the state of Florida.

It is a multi-purpose document that serves as:

  • Notice of Sale;
  • Bill of Sale.

This form is a required part of vehicle transfer and registration. The sellers must file it after a car was transferred in order to remove their names from the vehicle's registration; it will allow them to avoid any possible liability for the use of the car after it was sold.

The form was issued by the Florida Department of Highway Safety and Motor Vehicles with the latest version of the document released on June 1, 2011 . Download the fillable Form HSMV 82050 through the link below.


Form HSMV 82050 Instructions

The instructions to fill out the HSMV 82050 are as follows:

  1. Choose the purpose of the document by checking the corresponding box;
  2. If you are going to use the form as a notice of sale, you will need to complete Sections 1 and 3 only. The seller's signature is not required in this case;
  3. If you fill it out as a bill of sale, the buyer's signature is required and you will have to complete Section 2 (if applicable);
  4. Section 1. Motor Vehicle, Mobile Home, Off-Highway or Vessel Description. Enter the full description of the item you sell in this section. Provide the address of the buyer, the date of sale, and the selling price;
  5. Section 2. Odometer Disclosure Statement. Complete this section if you are selling a motor vehicle. Note, that if you do not fill out this part or provide the false statement, you may be subject to fine or imprisonment;
  6. Section 3. Certification. By filling out this section, both the seller and the buyer acknowledge that they have read the information provided in the document and confirm it is true. The section also has space for the co-seller's and co-buyer's information and signatures.

If using this as a bill of sale, prepare two original copies of the document: one for you and one for the buyer. If you complete the document as a notice of sale, file it with the Florida Department of Highway Safety and Motor Vehicles. You may find the current mailing addresses on the department's official website.

How to Sell a Vehicle in Florida?

In addition to completion of the notice and bill of sale, take the following steps when selling your vehicle in Florida:

  1. Obtain a demonstration only temporary tag so that the potential buyer can test drive the car;
  2. Ensure you have a valid title. If it is lost or misplaced, apply for a duplicate title using Form HSMV 82101. If your vehicle was not titled in Florida, complete Form HSMV 82042, Vehicle Identification Number and Odometer Verification;
  3. Fill out the Transfer of Title by Seller section on the title certificate. To transfer the title properly, complete the transaction in a motor vehicle service center;
  4. Remove the license plates from the sold car and surrender them if you are moving to another state or cancel the insurance associated with this plate.

Note, that some counties in Florida have issued their own specific bills of sale:

Remember, that even if you use the county-specific bill of sale to sell your vehicle, watercraft or mobile home, you need to complete and file Form HSMV 82050 as the notice of sale anyway.

Does a Vehicle Bill of Sale Have to Be Notarized in Florida?

The state of Florida does not require a notary certification for this form but you may add one for additional protection in order to confirm that the transaction has taken place. This can save any potential trouble which might occur should the seller or buyer contest the transaction at a later date.

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Download Form HSMV-82050 Notice of Sale and / or Bill of Sale for a Motor Vehicle, Mobile Home, Off-Highway Vehicle or Vessel - Florida

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