Fill and Sign U.S. Social Security Administration (SSA) Forms




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Use this form to apply for spousal benefits based on your current, former, and deceased spouses' primary insurance.

This form is used for individuals who are outside the United States and need to provide additional information to support their claim for Social Security benefits.

This type of document is a Spanish version of the SSA-632-BK-SP form, which is used to apply for the waiver of an overpayment from the Social Security Administration.

Use this form to supply the Social Security Administration (SSA) with a signed statement when applying for Social Security benefits or Supplemental Security Income (SSI).

This Form is used to request a hearing by an Administrative Law Judge. It is usually for individuals who have been denied disability benefits and want to appeal the decision.

Use this form to request detailed information about your earnings that affect your Social Security benefits and retirement amount.

This Form is used for requesting a waiver of the requirement to provide timely written notice of a hearing.

This legal document is filed by fully-insured individuals to apply for a type of social insurance payments paid to individuals over 62 years of age.

This document is used to apply for Social Security Disability Benefits with the SSA.

Spanish-speaking applicants may use this form to give the Social Security Administration (SSA) permission to release the information from personal SSA files to a specific individual or group.

This form is used for partners to provide information about their partnership for Social Security purposes.

Use this form in cases when you need to notify the Social Security Administration (SSA) about a change in income, as well as to request a reduction of the income-related monthly adjustment amount (IRMAA) of the Medicare premium based of a life-changing event.

Use this form to report an individual's working activity after the alleged onset date (AOD) to the Social Security Administration (SSA) in order to qualify for disability benefits.

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