DA Form 285-o Technical Report of U.S. Army Gound Accident - Statement of Reviewing Officials

DA Form 285-o Technical Report of U.S. Army Gound Accident - Statement of Reviewing Officials

What Is DA Form 285-O?

DA Form 285-O, Technical Report of U.S. Army Ground Accident Statement of Reviewing Officials , is a form used by the reviewing and approving officials to record their review and provide commentary about reported accidents on U.S. Army grounds.

The form - sometimes confused with DD Form 285, Appointment of Military Postal Clerk, Unit Mail Clerk or Mail Orderly - was released by the U.S. Department of the Army (DA) on February 1, 2009 , with all previous editions obsolete. An up-to-date DA Form 285-O fillable version is available for digital filing and download below or can be found through the Army Publishing Directorate website.

The completed DA 285-O is submitted with a copy of the related technical report and forwarded through the chain of command to the Army Headquarters Reviewing Authority and then to the U.S. Army Combat Readiness/Safety Center (USACRC).


How to Fill Out DA Form 285-O?

Procedural guidelines and additional information can be found in the DA PAM 385-40, Army Accident Investigations and Reporting. DD Form 285-О instructions are as follows:

  1. Section 1 ("Initial Review") requires the reviewing official to provide their name, rank, title, and organization before stating their concurrence or non-concurrence with the findings and recommendations provided in the report. Any non-concurrences should be fully explained.
  2. Section 2 ("Army Headquarters Reviewing Authority Comments") is completed by the Army Headquarters Reviewing Authority and should include a list of actions taken along with any additional recommendations for preventing further accidents. If the provided space is not enough, officials are allowed to use a letter-size sheet of paper for additional information and attach it to the form. The Army Headquarters Reviewing Authority or their designated representatives will provide their written concurrence or non-concurrence with the report made by the accident investigation board. This section should include any reasons for non-concurrence and the proposed actions. The Reviewing Authority will take note of the recommendations done by the accident investigation board or subordinate reviewing officials.
  3. Section 3 ("Department of Army Review") is reserved for the comments made by the USACRC. The USACRC will follow up on the previously given recommendations and ensure that appropriate DA-level action is taken.
  4. Section 4 ("Date of the Accident") requires the reviewing official to specify the date when the accident occurred.

Publications related to DA Form 285-B:

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