Course Evaluation Form - Big Table

Course Evaluation Form - Big Table

What Is a Course Evaluation Form?

A Course Evaluation Form is a great way for teaching staff or course organizers to get vital feedback about a course from the attendees. This course evaluation will provide crucial information for the organizers about the quality of the course as well as what areas they could focus on or improve in the future. Perhaps there were areas that students found extremely interesting that could be extended or focused on during the next course. Or maybe there was an area that was glossed over, making students confused.

The great thing about handing these forms out to all students is that the organizers get a collective opinion about the course. If one person or even a couple of people say that the course was boring, difficult, confusing, and poorly organized - this does not necessarily reflect the view of all attendees. If 3 people from 40 shared this opinion, it means that there may well be 37 individuals who thought the course was great. Likewise, if many people share the same opinion about a possible improvement, it may make the organizers more likely to implement this.

A Course Evaluation template can be downloaded by clicking the link below.


How to Write a Course Evaluation?

If you are presented with a standard, simple Course Evaluation Form - writing it out is far from difficult. By giving constructive feedback you can improve the quality of teaching which means that you and other students will get more out of the courses in the future.

When writing a course evaluation, consider the following points:

  • Start by filling in the name of the course and name of the individual that held the course. There may be several courses or several instructors holding the same course therefore it is important that your feedback goes to the right person;
  • When you are presented with a list of criteria to evaluate (most likely you will be required to give a scaled answer) remember to evaluate the course as a whole. If there was one aspect out of many that you did not enjoy, do not focus on this;
  • Often you will then be required to provide comments. Do not leave this blank, everyone has an opinion and you should share it even if it is brief. Start by talking about the positives, the things you really enjoyed about the course. However, do not just list what you liked. It is important to get across why you enjoyed this (rather than what you enjoyed) and what benefits you see of this. This will show the organizers the advantages of their course;
  • Likewise, if you have some improvements to suggest you should also comment on this. It is important to use the correct tone in this regard - make sure that you are not cruel or insulting. Keep the feedback constructive and back up your ideas with arguments. Remember to be polite and keep things concise. The more open and honest you are, the more likely the organizers are to take your comments onboard and make the necessary changes.

Still looking for a particular form? Take a look at the related forms below:

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