First Aid Incident Report Template - Limestone District School Board

First Aid Incident Report Template - Limestone District School Board

The First Aid Incident Report Template used by the Limestone District School Board is designed to record details of any first aid incidents that occur within the school district. It helps to document important information about the incident, such as the date, time, location, and nature of the injury, as well as the actions taken and any follow-up required. This report template is used to ensure comprehensive documentation of first aid incidents for the safety and well-being of students and staff.

The first aid incident report template for the Limestone District School Board is typically filled out by the staff or personnel who administer first aid in response to an incident.


Q: What is the purpose of a first aid incident report?
A: The purpose of a first aid incident report is to document any injuries or illnesses that occur and the first aid measures taken.

Q: Who is required to fill out a first aid incident report?
A: Anyone who witnesses or provides first aid for an injury or illness should fill out a first aid incident report.

Q: What information should be included in a first aid incident report?
A: A first aid incident report should include details about the injured or ill person, the nature of the injury or illness, the first aid measures taken, and any further actions or referrals.

Q: Why is it important to fill out a first aid incident report?
A: Filling out a first aid incident report is important for record-keeping, tracking trends in injuries or illnesses, and ensuring proper follow-up and documentation.


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