Credit Inquiry Removal Letter Template

Credit Inquiry Removal Letter Template

A Credit Inquiry Removal Letter is a document that individuals can use when they would like to remove a credit inquiry from their credit report. The purpose of the letter is to request a credit bureau to remove an unauthorized hard inquiry from the individual's financial data.

Alternate Name:

  • Credit Inquiry Dispute Letter.

Your financial data contains two types of inquiries:

  1. Soft inquiries . These inquiries can only be seen by you and can be requested without your consent since the recipient can only see a part of your financial information.
  2. Hard inquiries . These inquiries are made by lenders and creditors when you apply for any type of loan. They can be seen by anyone who is running a financial check on you and can significantly affect your credit score.

For hard inquiries, lenders and creditors must obtain permission from you, hence if you see a hard inquiry to which you did not agree to, it might be a sign that you need to take a few steps to remove it. A Credit Inquiry Removal Letter template can be downloaded below.


How to Remove Hard Inquiries on your Credit Report?

If you do not know whether you have any hard inquiries or not, you should check out a specific section of your credit report. Commonly it is called "Credit Inquiries," "Hard Inquiries," or similar. If you found anything suspicious, you can prepare a letter to remove credit inquiries, which can consist of the following parts:

  1. The Addressee . Your letter should start with designating the receiver of your letter. Indicating the name of the credit reporting agency and its address would be sufficient enough.
  2. The Sender . For identification purposes, you need to provide the addressee with your personal details in this section of your letter. The details can include your name, address, and telephone number.
  3. The Date . Do not forget to include the date when you have prepared the letter. It will verify that the content of your letter is current and up to date.
  4. Introduction . You can start the main part of your letter by introducing yourself and informing the recipient of the letter that the credit report they have issued contains incorrect information.
  5. A Request to Remove Incorrect Information . Here, you can present the addressee with information about the inquiries that were made without your consent. This can contain detail about who made the inquiry (commonly, the name of the company), and the date when the inquiry has been made. If you already contacted the company that has made an inquiry and got a response from then you can inform the credit bureau about it as well.
  6. Conclusion . After you have informed the receiver of your letter about the incorrect inquiries, you can request them to conduct an investigation dedicated to those inquiries, send you a copy of the investigation report, and remove the incorrect inquiries.
  7. Signature . At the end of the document, to confirm your identity you can put your full name and signature.

Some credit bureaus offer their clients to send correspondence (including dispute letters) online. In this case, you can follow the instruction and requirements presented on the official website of the agency.

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  • Credit Inquiry Removal Letter Template - A handy sample document to remove any questionable inquiries from your credit report.
  • Credit Inquiry Removal Letter Template, Page 2
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