Weekly Cleaning Schedule Template - Grey

Weekly Cleaning Schedule Template - Grey

Weekly Cleaning Schedule: What Is It?

When it comes to cleaning, for many this can be a mundane task and sometimes we may not even know where to start. To help with this, we would recommend using a Weekly Cleaning Schedule which can help with keeping the process organized. You may find that by dividing and delegating responsibilities, cleaning will stop being a boring chore.

A simple Weekly Cleaning Schedule will divide the week up into daily cleaning tasks that should be completed. The tasks will vary and is dependent upon on the area that needs to be cleaned as well as the working schedule you have during weekdays. For example, if you know that you have a hectic Monday at work every day, it may not be the best idea to note down the more tiresome and difficult cleaning tasks on that Monday. Save these tasks for days when you will not be as tired and stressed from work.

However, a Weekly Cleaning Schedule does not necessarily need to be only used at home. It is also a great system to use within the workplace to make sure that all areas are cleaned and that they are cleaned appropriately. As an employer, it will make it much easier for you to keep control of which jobs have been done.

A Weekly Cleaning Schedule template can be downloaded by clicking the link below.


How to Make a Weekly Cleaning Schedule?

In order to make the best Weekly Cleaning Schedule you need to give it some time and thought, taking into account all possible small nuances. Luckily, we have compiled a list of our top tips and hints that we recommend you take into consideration before creating your own Weekly Cleaning Schedule:

  • Prior to sitting down and making the schedule you first need to have a clear and thorough understanding of which tasks need to be done. To ensure that you do not miss anything important, we would recommend walking around the entire house (or other property) and taking a note of all the things that need to be done in every room;
  • Then think about how often these tasks need to be done. Do they need to be done daily, weekly or monthly? Perhaps you may even want to do some tasks on a seasonal basis. For example, when it comes to cleaning a bathroom at home it is unlikely that you will do this on a daily basis;
  • Before breaking down these tasks per day, think about how much time you will actually have to clean on each day. It is important to be realistic otherwise you will not keep to the schedule;
  • Perhaps you may want to use several Weekly Cleaning Schedules to plan cleaning responsibilities for the month ahead;
  • You can also share responsibilities amongst other residents of the household or between colleagues in the workplace. Do not make yourself the sole responsible individual for maintaining cleanliness - if you have the opportunity, get others involved;
  • Give yourself days off from cleaning and do not be too hard on yourself. We may get ill or experience other unexpected situations - do not beat yourself up about it.

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