One-Page Gdb Cheat Sheet

One-Page Gdb Cheat Sheet

The One-Page Gdb Cheat Sheet is a reference guide that helps programmers to quickly access and utilize the debugging features of the GNU Debugger (GDB) tool. It provides a concise summary of commonly used commands and shortcuts for efficient debugging and problem-solving in software development.


Q: What is GDB?A: GDB stands for GNU Debugger, a powerful command-line tool for debugging programs.

Q: How do I start GDB?A: You can start GDB by running the 'gdb' command in your terminal followed by the name of the program you want to debug.

Q: What are some basic commands in GDB?A: Some basic commands in GDB are 'run' to start the program, 'break' to set breakpoints, 'step' to execute one line at a time, and 'print' to display variable values.

Q: How do I set a breakpoint in GDB?A: You can set a breakpoint in GDB by using the 'break' command followed by the name of the function or line number where you want to pause the program.

Q: How do I continue running the program in GDB?A: You can continue running the program in GDB by using the 'continue' command or by pressing 'c'.

Q: How do I view variable values in GDB?A: You can view variable values in GDB by using the 'print' command followed by the name of the variable.

Q: How do I step through the program line by line in GDB?A: You can step through the program line by line in GDB by using the 'step' command or by pressing 's'.

Q: How do I quit GDB?A: You can quit GDB by using the 'quit' command or by pressing 'q'.

Q: Can GDB be used for debugging different programming languages?A: Yes, GDB can be used for debugging programs written in various programming languages, including C, C++, and assembly language.

Q: Are there any graphical frontends available for GDB?A: Yes, there are several graphical frontends available for GDB, such as DDD and Eclipse CDT.


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