90 Day Evaluation and Performance Review Form - Miracle Hill Ministries

90 Day Evaluation and Performance Review Form - Miracle Hill Ministries

The 90 Day Evaluation and Performance Review Form for Miracle Hill Ministries is used to assess an employee's performance and progress during the first 90 days of their employment. It helps in establishing goals, providing feedback, and identifying areas for improvement.


Q: What is the purpose of the 90 Day Evaluation and Performance Review Form?A: The purpose of the form is to evaluate and review the performance of employees at Miracle Hill Ministries after 90 days of employment.

Q: Who is responsible for completing the form?A: Both the supervisor and the employee are responsible for completing the form.

Q: What is included in the form?A: The form includes sections for rating the employee's job performance, assessing their skills and areas of improvement, and setting goals for the next performance period.

Q: Why is the evaluation important?A: The evaluation helps identify areas of success and areas that need improvement, and provides a platform for constructive feedback and goal-setting.

Q: How often is the evaluation conducted?A: The evaluation is conducted after 90 days of employment, and then annually thereafter.

Q: What are the benefits of the evaluation process?A: The evaluation process helps in identifying strong performers, improving weak areas, and promoting professional growth and development.

Q: Can the employee provide input in the evaluation?A: Yes, the employee is encouraged to provide their own input and self-assessment in the evaluation process.

Q: What happens after the evaluation is completed?A: After the evaluation is completed, both the employee and the supervisor discuss the results, set goals, and develop an action plan for improvement if needed.

Q: Are there consequences for poor performance?A: Poor performance can lead to additional training and coaching, and in severe cases, disciplinary action or termination of employment.

Q: Can the employee appeal the evaluation?A: Yes, if the employee disagrees with the evaluation, they can discuss their concerns with their supervisor or request a review from the HR department.


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