Teacher Welcome Letter Template

Teacher Welcome Letter Template

What Is a Teacher Welcome Letter?

At the beginning of a new school year or if you are a teacher who has recently moved to a new school it can be a good idea to write a Teacher Welcome Letter to introduce yourself to students and parents and let them get to know you before the year gets underway. If you will be jumping into the role midway through the academic year, this can also help parents feel more confident about the change in instructional leadership.

Alternate Name:

  • Teacher Introduction Letter.

If this is a Teacher Welcome Letter to parents you can include topics such as the syllabus and grading that will help them get their students off to a good start. You can also write a teacher welcome letter to students that can be written in a more casual tone and to get them excited for the upcoming months they will be spending with you. A Teacher Welcome Letter template can be found through the link below.


How to Write a Teacher Welcome Letter?

To begin writing a teacher welcome letter template, you will want to include the following information:

  1. The current date, your name, and contact information.
  2. Introduce yourself to the students and parents. Talk about your background, education, past experience, and what you hope to accomplish by the end of the academic year with your class. If you are taking over for a previous teacher, you can also include a statement assuring the class that you will pick up where the last teacher left off and you are excited to help them on their education journey.
  3. It is also a good idea to mention in your Teacher Welcome Letter how to access resources like the syllabus, homework schedule, and any other resources for the class (such as a Google classroom or website). If you have any specific policies (such as tardiness or class disruptions) you will also want to mention how you plan to conduct the class and what student expectations will be.
  4. Close the letter by stating how excited you are for the school year to begin and offer to both students and parents the opportunity to contact you with any questions or advice for working with their children and that you look forward to learning together.

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  • Teacher Welcome Letter Template - Professional customizable letter template for teachers