Sample Letter Asking for Donations for Church

Sample Letter Asking for Donations for Church

To remain fiscally solvent, all churches must rely on donations. To encourage support from the congregation, it is important to craft a well-thought-out Letter Asking for Donations for Church .

Alternate Name:

  • Donation Request Letter for Church.

A sample Donation Request Letter for Church can be downloaded below.

To craft a Donation Request Letter for Church, include the following information:

  1. Open the letter with a heartwarming story related to the church to connect the reader to your church.

  2. Mention the most recent donation events, thank the volunteers and donors, and how the funds raised benefitted the congregation.

    • Include stories or quotes from church members about how much the church means to them. This will help readers feel more connected and be open to donating once again.
  3. Discuss the current fundraising program, how much the church hopes to raise, and where people can submit donations. If possible, include a link online to make digital donations easy to complete.

  4. Close the letter by thanking donors and congregates for their continued support and that their donations have helped the church and community.

  5. Be sure that the letter is sent both electronically and by paper to ensure all members receive a copy and feel connected.

Still looking for a particular sample? Take a look at the related samples and templates below:


Download Sample Letter Asking for Donations for Church

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  • Sample Letter Asking for Donations for Church