Employee Appraisal Form

Employee Appraisal Form

An Employee Appraisal Form is used to evaluate and assess an employee's performance, skills, and achievements in their job. It helps in providing feedback, identifying areas for improvement, and determining rewards or promotions based on their performance.

The employee's immediate supervisor or manager typically files the employee appraisal form.


Q: What is an employee appraisal form?A: An employee appraisal form is a document used by employers to assess and evaluate the performance of their employees.

Q: Why is an employee appraisal form important?A: An employee appraisal form is important because it allows employers to measure and provide feedback on an employee's job performance, set goals, and identify areas for improvement.

Q: What does an employee appraisal form typically include?A: An employee appraisal form typically includes sections for rating performance, providing comments, setting goals, and discussing development opportunities.

Q: How often are employee appraisals conducted?A: The frequency of employee appraisals can vary depending on the company, but they are often conducted annually or semi-annually.

Q: Who is involved in the employee appraisal process?A: The employee, their supervisor or manager, and sometimes other members of management or HR are typically involved in the employee appraisal process.

Q: Can an employee appraisal form affect salary or promotions?A: Yes, the results of an employee appraisal form can be used to determine salary increases, promotions, or other rewards and recognition.

Q: Can employees provide input on their own appraisal?A: Yes, many employee appraisal forms include sections where employees can self-assess their own performance and provide comments or feedback.

Q: What should employees do to prepare for an appraisal?A: Employees should take the appraisal process seriously, gather evidence of their accomplishments, reflect on their strengths and weaknesses, and be open to receiving feedback.

Q: What should employees do if they disagree with their appraisal?A: If an employee disagrees with their appraisal, they should calmly and constructively discuss their concerns with their supervisor or manager and provide any additional evidence or explanations.

Q: Are employee appraisals confidential?A: Employee appraisals are typically kept confidential between the employee and their supervisor or manager, although some information may be shared with HR or upper-level management for decision-making purposes.


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