Free Employee Feedback Forms and Templates

What Is Employee Feedback?

Employee Feedback is information about an employee’s work performance that is gathered through different sources and is supposed to assist an employer in getting the full picture of their workforce. The purpose of the feedback is to evaluate an employee’s strong sides and help an employer understand what they should improve to help their employees.

This feedback can come in different formats (formal or informal) and in different ways (either verbal or written). The various types of Employee Feedback Forms include the following:

  1. Customer Satisfaction Survey. This is an application that should be used when a business wants to evaluate the satisfaction of their customers with the services they provide (or the goods they produce).
  2. Customer Complaint Form. This document is used by consumers that want to express their dissatisfaction with a product (or a service) to a responsible party.
  3. Employee Suggestion Form. A Suggestion Form is supposed to help businesses collect recommendations from their employees on how to improve the company. The form can also be used by employees to give comments about their workplace and other things connected with it.
  4. Employee Satisfaction Survey. This questionnaire should be filled in by employees where they can answer questions about the company they work for. Generally, it is anonymous.
  5. Certificate of Appreciation. This is a document designed by a company that is used to express gratitude for the work its employees have done.

How to Give Feedback to an Employee?

Giving feedback to a team member is a complicated process, that's why it is necessary for a supervisor to prepare for it in advance. Usually, businesses hold an annual employee’s performance review, however, feedback can be given throughout the year as well, when the time is right. Effective employee feedback is:

  1. Specific . Generalizations do not help when giving feedback. A manager should be precise and provide particular examples to prove their view. Giving the picture in detail helps make a bigger impact on an employee.
  2. Consistent . Company policies apply to everybody without any exceptions, every employee should be treated the same way if they violate it, regardless of their previous achievements.
  3. Clear . To make sure that an employee has understood everything correctly, a supervisor can schedule another meeting. It will help to see if an employee’s behavior has changed and they got the feedback right.
  4. Timely . Effective feedback should always come on time. It must be tied up with actions that took place recently, while an employee still remembers them and can see the connection.
  5. Useful . It is better to provide recommendations that an employee can actually work with. In this case, a manager should give advice when they are asked to do so because employees are more likely to follow such kind of guidance.
  6. Realistic . If a manager is setting working goals for their employees then they should be reachable and down to earth. Achieving them might boost the employees’ confidence, however, if they are set too high an employee might not even try to accomplish them.
  7. Constructive . Each statement a manager makes should be supported with an example from the employee's behavior, and a direction that the employee should follow to improve their work performance.
  8. Unbiased . A supervisor should evaluate all workers equally, regardless of their gender, nationality, age, etc. The feedback should be based on standards that apply to everybody.

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This document is a template for conducting an exit interview with an employee who is leaving a company. It includes a set of questions to gather feedback and insights about their experience with the company.

This Form is used for conducting exit interviews with employees who are leaving the company. It covers nineteen points of discussion to gather valuable feedback and insights.

This document is a template for conducting client exit interviews. It helps organizations gather feedback from clients who are ending their relationship with the company. The template includes a series of questions that cover various aspects of the client's experience with the company. Organizations use this feedback to identify areas for improvement and make necessary adjustments to enhance customer satisfaction.

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This form is used for evaluating the performance of staff members at Greenlights, a nonprofit organization. It helps assess their effectiveness and contributions to the organization's success.

This document provides a list of rating categories for evaluating employee performance during an appraisal process. It helps assess employees' skills, qualities, and accomplishments to provide valuable feedback and identify areas for improvement.

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This form is used for evaluating an employee's performance and providing feedback. It helps employers assess an employee's strengths, areas for improvement, and overall contributions to the company.

This document is a template used to create an employee performance report. It helps managers assess an employee's job performance and provides a structured way to document and communicate their strengths, areas for improvement, and overall evaluation.

This form is used for employees to submit complaints about their workplace to Transmaritime Inc.

This form is used for conducting an exit interview with an employee who is leaving a company. It includes eleven questions to gather feedback and insights about their experiences and reasons for leaving.

This Form is used for reviewing and evaluating employee records within an organization. It helps to assess employee performance, track progress, and identify areas of improvement.

This document is a template that employers use to evaluate and review the performance of their employees. It includes sections for assessing various aspects of the employee's work, such as skills, achievements, and areas for improvement.

This form is used for employees to assess and evaluate their own work performance and provide feedback to their supervisors. It allows employees to reflect on their strengths, areas for improvement, and set goals for future development.

This document is used for conducting an exit interview with employees who are leaving a company. It covers various points to gather feedback and insights from the departing employee.

This Form is used for documenting coaching sessions between employers and employees to help improve performance and achieve workplace goals.

This is a form used by the unit leaders to help organize and structure military counseling sessions.

This Form is used for evaluating and assessing the performance of employees at different levels within an organization. It helps in providing feedback, setting goals, and determining promotions or rewards based on the employee's performance.

This document is a template that can be used for conducting employee performance reviews. It helps employers to assess and provide feedback on the performance of their employees.

This form is used for evaluating the performance of employees in a nonprofit agency. It helps measure their job performance, set goals, and provide feedback for improvement.

This document is used for conducting employee performance reviews. It provides a structured format for evaluating an employee's job performance, setting goals, and discussing areas for improvement.

This document provides a clear definition of the various ratings used in an employee performance appraisal form. It helps both employees and managers understand what each rating signifies in terms of performance.

This document helps employees to file grievances or complaints against their employers or colleagues. It provides a structured format for capturing details about the issue, allowing for a fair resolution process.

This document is a template for a formal written reprimand to an employee. It provides a structured format for addressing disciplinary issues in the workplace.

This type of document is used for evaluating and assessing the performance and value of an individual, typically in the context of a work or job appraisal. It provides a structured format for gathering feedback and documenting strengths, weaknesses, and areas for improvement.

This form is used for evaluating the performance of interns at a company. It helps assess their skills, work ethic, and overall performance during their internship.

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This document provides a template for creating an Employee Corrective Action Plan. It helps employers define expectations, identify performance issues, and outline steps for improvement.

This form is used for conducting exit interviews in the state of Arizona. It is designed to gather feedback from employees who are leaving an organization.

This Form is used for conducting exit interviews with employees who are leaving Coastal Connections, Inc. The questionnaire helps gather feedback and insights about the employee's experience at the company and their reasons for leaving.

This form is used for collecting feedback from employees at Lassen Canyon Nursery. It allows employees to provide suggestions, comments, and evaluations of their experience working at the nursery.

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