Free Invoice Templates

What Is an Invoice?

An Invoice is a document that contains information concerning a certain sale transaction. The purpose of the document is to thoroughly describe the transaction stating its main details so that the document can be used in various situations. For example, sellers can use a simple Invoice to request buyers to pay for the goods that they have purchased. Furthermore, buyers can use the Invoice as proof that they have already paid for the goods they have purchased (if the Invoice clearly states it).

In addition to the things mentioned above, a commercial Invoice can be used by businesses when they are filing their taxes as proof of their income (or transactions). The information that they state in their Invoices should always be true and valid, otherwise, it can become subject to penalties.

The Invoice can also be used as a shipment document that will describe all of the aspects of the shipment, including its type, carrier, package information, etc. The situation in which the document will be used can change its content, which is why there are so many different templates that match different purposes. Check out the links below to download printable and customizable Invoice templates.

How Do I Create an Invoice?

Creating an Invoice is a straightforward process, however, many people find it easier to find a blank Invoice template and fill in the information about the transaction. The general document should be presented in the shape of a table and should contain parts. They can include the following:

  1. Date and Number . Write down the date the Invoice was sent and its unique reference number. It will help to track transactions and connect them with the purchases they cover.
  2. Information About the Parties . State information about the parties. They can be presented in different ways due to the different types of Invoices, however, the most commonly used are a seller and a buyer, a company and a customer, or a shipper and a consignee. In addition to this, the Invoice can also specify information about the carrier and state their name, location, and contact details.
  3. Description of Products . This part of the document should contain information about the package. Here, the customer should find the list of items that the package consists of, its weight, quantity, price, and other details that characterize it. The information should be enough for the customer to clearly identify the items.
  4. Transaction Information . Sellers can use this part of the document to designate the total price of the package, whether it was already paid, and what method of payment has been used in this case.
  5. Signature . The seller should sign the document in order o state that all of the information presented in the document is true and valid.

Related Forms and Topics:




  • Default
  • Name
  • Form number
  • Size

This type of document is created and given out by a selling party to a buying party, when an international trade has occurred and this invoice acts as confirmation of this.

This type of document is a template used by hotels to create invoices for their guests. It includes details such as room charges, additional services, and payment instructions.

This document is a template for invoicing HVAC service orders. It helps businesses in the HVAC industry create professional and organized invoices for their services.

This type of document is a blank invoice template designed to be printed in portrait orientation. It is used for creating invoices for goods or services provided by a business to a customer.

This document is a template that can be used to create an invoice for professional services. It is designed to help professionals accurately and efficiently bill their clients for the services they have provided.

A contractor can use this type of template to present the charges for the services or goods they have provided, either to an individual or to an organization.

This document is a template for creating an invoice for selling a car in the United Kingdom. It includes all necessary details for a car sale transaction.

This document is a construction invoice template used to bill clients for services provided on a construction project. It includes details such as the project name, labor and material costs, and payment terms.

This spreadsheet template is used to track and manage outstanding invoices for businesses. It helps organize and monitor payment deadlines and amounts owed.

A plumbing business may prepare an invoice such as this to inform their client about a payment they need to make for rendered services.

This document is a template for creating product invoices. It provides a formal structure for listing the details of a sale, including the products sold, prices, quantities, and total amount due. Using this template can help businesses streamline their invoicing process and ensure accuracy in their financial transactions.

This document is a template that can be used to create a rent invoice. It includes sections for the landlord's information, tenant's information, details of the rental property, and payment information. The template is useful for landlords or property managers who need to provide invoices to their tenants for rent payments.

This document is a template that can be used to create an invoice for newspaper subscriptions. It includes all the necessary information such as the customer's name, subscription details, and payment information.

This type of invoice is used to remind a buyer to pay for a purchase they have made using eBay.

This document is a template for creating an invoice for a gardening service.

A handyman may issue this type of invoice to a client in order to receive payment for work they have already completed or for a job that they are about to start working on.

This document is a template used for creating invoices for labor services. It helps businesses itemize and calculate the cost of labor provided to clients.

This document is a template used to create an invoice for tuition fees. It is designed to help educational institutions and students keep track of payments and accounts. The template includes fields for student information, course details, and payment instructions. It can be customized to suit specific needs and can be easily filled out and shared electronically or printed out for mailing.

This document is a template that can be used for issuing invoices related to building maintenance services. It helps in keeping track of the expenses and charges for various maintenance tasks performed on a building.

This document for property management businesses to create professional invoices for their services.

This document provides a template that can be used for creating an invoice for moving services. It includes sections for listing the services provided, quantities, and prices, as well as space for adding payment details.

This document is a Lawn Service Invoice Template used for billing customers for lawn care services provided.

A customer may receive this type of invoice once a cleaning job has been successfully completed by a cleaner or cleaning company.

This document is a template for an invoice that a painting contractor can use to bill their clients for services rendered. It includes sections to list the details of the job, such as the cost of materials and labor, and provides a breakdown of the total amount due.

This type of document is a carpentry invoice template. It is used to create invoices for carpentry services provided.

This document is used for creating an invoice for home repair services. It helps homeowners and contractors keep track of expenses and payments for home repairs.

This document is a template for creating invoices for graphic design services. It includes sections for listing services provided, costs, and payment terms. Use this template to easily create professional invoices for your graphic design clients.

This document is a template for creating a blank invoice in landscape format. It can be used by businesses to bill their customers for goods or services provided.

This type of document is a template that can be used to create an invoice for painting services. It includes sections for itemizing the work performed, listing materials used, and calculating the total cost.

This type of document is a template for creating an invoice for lawn care services. It helps businesses accurately bill their customers for maintaining their lawns.

This document is a template for creating commission invoices. It helps businesses accurately calculate and record commissions owed to individuals or sales representatives based on their sales performance.

This document is a template for creating a consignment invoice. It is used to bill and track the sale of goods on consignment.

This document is a template for creating invoices for water and electricity services. It helps you to accurately bill your customers for their consumption.

A landscaping business may prepare and send this type of invoice to a client in order to request payment for landscaping services they have carried out.

This type of document is a template used for creating invoices for pest control services. It helps businesses in the pest control industry to provide a clear and professional invoice to their customers.

This document is a template for creating invoices for bookkeeping services. It helps bookkeepers provide clear and organized invoices to clients.

This document is a template used for creating invoices for auto repair services. It includes details such as the customer's information, services provided, and the total amount due. Use this template to ensure accurate billing and record-keeping for auto repair transactions.

This document is a template used for creating invoices for music performances. It includes sections for listing the services provided, the cost, and payment details.

This document is a template for creating invoices with a pink color scheme. It can be used for billing clients or customers.

This document is a template for creating revised invoices. It can be used to update or correct information on an original invoice.

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